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24 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi

Lisette Moon Light


PSP Corel X8 
Thank you very much for the translation 

 Thank you very much for the translation 

Danke für die Deutsch Übersetzung Kniri


Nederlandse vertaling door Lisette Maggen.
Bedankt daarvoor

Thank you very much for the translation Englisch
Svc Design



LB Tubes




Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0

Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Effects- Flaming Pear – Flood

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5:Impact






Hüzünlü Yıllar

Sahmaran- Aslı






Foreground color to #FFFFFF
Background color to #000134

File /New Open 900x600 Transparent Image

Flood fill - Fill With Your Gradient
Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 -kang 1 - Shiva's Gate

Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to ( Hard Light)
Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Open  Raster 1
Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Open - Deko- Hzünlü Yıllar Deco 1
Edit / Copy 
activate your work 
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this

Open - Deko- Hzünlü Yıllar Deco 2
Edit / Copy 
activate your work 
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this

Open -Deko-Davina- Cadre
Edit / Copy 
activate your work 
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this
Layers - New Raster Layer 
Selections -Load/ Save Selection-Sah Lisette Moon Light Sel 1
Open - Tube - Manzara 
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit/ Paste - Paste Into Selection
Effects -3D Effects - Drop Shadow 

Selections - Select None
Layers- Merge - Merge Down
Effects- Flaming Pear - Flood

Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to( Luminance)

Layers - Duplicate 
Image - Resize 

Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this


Layers - New Raster Layer 
Flood Fill Background color to #000134
Open Sah Mask Lisette Moon Light
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image 
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to Dodge
(You can also do Luminance (Legacy) according to your work.)
Opacity 81

Open- Text 1
Edit / Copy 
activate your work 
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this
Open - Text 2
Edit /Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this

Open - Tube- Mary 0812-70
Image - Resize 

Edit /Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this
Opacity 32

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #000134
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color   #ffffff
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #000134
Selections- Select All
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric.45pixel, color   #ffffff
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow


Alien Skin Eye Candy 5:Impact -Perspective Shadow
Sah - Lisette Moon Light Angel - Perspective Shadow
Selections _ Select None 
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #000134
File - Open - Tube -Mary 222112 - 1 Png
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Image - Resize 
Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Adjust - Sharpnes- Sharpen

File- Open - Deco - Sah -Lisette Moon Light Angel Deco
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer

File - Open - Text- Sah Lisette Moon Light Angel Text
Edit Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer 

Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5:Impact -Perspective Shadow
Drop Shadow , Blurry
Put Your Watermarkt
Image - Resize 900 Pixels

Test Çalışması için Vahide Hocam'a Teşekkür ederim.

Thank you very much to the translators

Thank you Pinuccia

Danke Schön Kniri

Bedankt Lisette

Gracias Tati Design

Thank you SVC-Design

Thank you very much to every one for these nice versions
Thank you Emma

Thank you Korry

Thank you Uschi

Thank you H.Marika

Thank you Cre@ Marley

Teşekkür ederim Aynur

Thank you Nelly

Thank you Nicole P

Thank you Olga

Teşekkür ederim Melodi

Thank you LBDM

Thank you Nicole C

Teşekkür ederim Kamil Bey

Thank you Felinec31

Teşekkür ederim Müşerref Hocam

Thank you Trudy

Thank you Michounette

Thank you Martine

Thank You Liliana

Thank you Mamy Annick

Thank you Lazarne Marika

Thank you Marcsi Pable

Thank You NenaC

Thank you Sissi

Thank you Garances

Thank you  Ria

Thank you Franie Margot

Thank you Brigittealice

Thank you Monique

Danke Manja

Danke Smarty

Danke Roadrunners

Danke Barbara

Danke Linda M

Danke Hannogirl91

Danke Schulmaus

Danke Narde

Danke Rosi

Danke Caro

Danke Angi

Danke Helene

Danke Mermaid

Danke Wuselhexe

Danke Rita48

Danke Schlüsselblume

Danke Bianca

Danke Sevensangel


Thank you Bastet

Thank you Szelike

Thank you Anne Marie

Thank you Elly

Thank you Talonaiguille

Thank you Lynnette

Thank you Pia

Thank you Erzsike

Thank you Biquinho

Thank you Jewel

Thank you Gypsie

Thank you CleideM

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This Tutorials is writen with Corel PSP X8 The colors, layer density and blending mode are for the meterials of this lesson. If you use diff...