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22 Mart 2021 Pazartesi


PSP Corel X8 

Thank you very much for the translation 
 Thank you very much for the translation 
Danke für die Deutsch Übersetzung Kniri


Thank you very much for the translation Englisch
Svc Design

Mary 0812-33

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5:Impact
Mehdi- Sorting Tiles
Toadies - What Are You?
It@lien Editors Effect - Efetto Fantasma
L en K -L en K 's Zitah
VM. Instant Art - Pipeline To Siberia

Narah - Mask - Abstract 129

Hüzünlü Yıllar





Foreground color to #b29a46
Background color to #6790c5

File /New Open 900x550 Transparent Image

Flood fill - Fill With Your Gradient

Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Layers - Duplicate
Effects - Toadies - What Are You? (x:20 - y:20)

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Image- Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Open Raster 1
Selections -Load/ Save Selection- Sah Wahıda Sel-1
Selections - Promate Selection to Layer
Selections- Select None

Background color to #0c070a
Note:(You can adjust it according to the main color in your work)
Effects - It@lian Editors  Effect- Efetto Fantasma

Layers - Arrange - Bring to Top
Effects - Edge Effects- Enchance
Adjust -Sharpness- Sharpen
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Layers - Duplicate 
Effects - Len K landksiteofwonders - L en K 's Zitah
Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to ( Overlay)

Layers - New Raster Layer 
Flood Fill color to White  #ffffff
Open - Mask (4c80a6f6910a6f8a754366011390d092--masks)
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image 
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
Layers - New Raster Layer 
Selections -Load/ Save Selection- Sah Wahıda Sel-2
Open - Tube - pink-glitter-butterfly
Edit / Copy 
activate your work 
Edit / Paste - Paste in to selection
Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to( Luminance)
Effects -3D Effects - Drop Shadow ( 2-2-50-20- color #000000)
Effects - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Glass ( Clear)
Selections - Select None

Layers - New Raster Layer
Open - Brush -trees gretchen
Save it as a brush
Set as the picture color to #ffffff

Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 
VM Instant Art - Pipeline To Siberia

Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to( Luminance)
Layers - Arrange - Move Down (Do it 2 times)


Open - Top Layer

Layers - New Raster Layer 

Flood Fill color to #ffffff

Open - Narah - Mask - Abstrack 129
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image 
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Double click on this Layer and set the Opacity 69
Image - Mirror- Mirror Horizontal

Open - Deko- Hzünlü Yıllar Wahıda Deko - 1

Edit / Copy 

activate your work 

Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer

Activate Pick Tool  and  place it like this

Adjust - Sharpnes - Sharpen

 Open - Deko - Hüzünlü Yıllar Wahıda Deko -2
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this

Adjust - Sharpnes - Sharpen

Open - Text - Sah Wahıda Text
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this

Layers - Duplicate
Image - Resize 
Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Adjust - Sharpnes - Sharpen

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #3c4f36
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color   #ffffff
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #3c4f36
Selections- Select All
Image - Add Borders - Symmetric.45pixel, color   #ffffff
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
Selections - Select None

Open - Tube- Mary  0812-33
Edit / Copy 
activate your work
Edit / Paste - Paste As New Layer
Image - Resize 
Activate  Pick Toll and place it like this
Adjust Sharpnes - Sharpen
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5:Impact -Perspective Shadow
(Drop Shadow, Blurry)

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric. 1 pixel, color #3c4f36
Put Your Watermarkt
Image - Resize 900 Pixels

Test için teşekkür ederim Vahide Hocam...

          Thank you very much to everyone for these nice versions

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This Tutorials is writen with Corel PSP X8 The colors, layer density and blending mode are for the meterials of this lesson. If you use diff...